Notice 中文

notice noun (WARNING)


The next time you visit, can you give me more notice? 你下次來之前能否早些通知我?

The first responders are ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. 緊急應變機構隨時準備採取行動。


Do I have to work out my notice? 我一定要工作滿通知期嗎?

 give sb notice (UK also give sb their notice)


My boss gave me a month's notice. 老闆提前一個月向我發出了解僱通知。

They gave me my notice yesterday. 他們昨天向我發出了解雇通知。

 hand in your notice (UK also give in your notice)

notice noun (ATTENTION)


It has come to/been brought to my notice (= I have been told) that you have been late for work every day this week. 有人告訴我,你本週天天上班都遲到。

 take notice


I asked him to drive more slowly, but he didn't take any notice. 我要他慢點開車,但他根本不在意。

Don't take any notice of/Take no notice of what your mother says - she's just in a bad mood. 別在意你母親說的話——她只是心情不好。


(notice劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press)



I am not the first to have noticed the unequal treatment accorded the different parts of the monograph.

However, the legal handbooks differed over which form of notice was best.

In fact, we notice the existence of a safety distance between the elbow and the obstacle allowing the obstacle avoidance.

It is astonishingly difficult for even the most experienced person to collect material for ordinary, everyday usages, since human beings tend to notice the unusual.

These economically most rewarding strategies differ significantly from today's practice of symptomatic treatment when heavy rodent damage is noticed.

So far, so good; but a few hours later, when the assistant returns she notices that the sink is blocked.

In short, and without anyone particularly noticing it, these debates have been democratized.

It is astonishingly difficult for even the most experienced person to collect material for ordinary everyday usages since human beings tend to notice the unusual.


notice noun (WARNING)


The next time you visit, can you give me more notice? 你下次來之前能否早些通知我?

The first responders are ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. 緊急應變機構隨時準備採取行動。


Do I have to work out my notice? 我一定要工作滿通知期嗎?

 give sb notice (UK also give sb their notice)


My boss gave me a month's notice. 老闆提前一個月向我發出了解僱通知。

They gave me my notice yesterday. 他們昨天向我發出了解雇通知。

 hand in your notice (UK also give in your notice)

notice noun (ATTENTION)


It has come to/been brought to my notice (= I have been told) that you have been late for work every day this week. 有人告訴我,你本週天天上班都遲到。

 take notice


I asked him to drive more slowly, but he didn't take any notice. 我要他慢點開車,但他根本不在意。

Don't take any notice of/Take no notice of what your mother says - she's just in a bad mood. 別在意你母親說的話——她只是心情不好。


(notice剑桥英语-中文(繁体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press)



Her behavior had been noticed by the other students.

So far, so good; but a few hours later, when the assistant returns she notices that the sink is blocked.

In fact, we notice the existence of a safety distance between the elbow and the obstacle allowing the obstacle avoidance.

Because of the conciseness of its original syntax, it is even possible to use it without noticing that it is a programming language.

Vessels were stented if elastic recoil was noticed (n=6) or in the presence of marked tortuosity (n= 2).

I am not the first to have noticed the unequal treatment accorded the different parts of the monograph.

We have noticed this phenomenon in elicitation dialogues about research groups.

These economically most rewarding strategies differ significantly from today's practice of symptomatic treatment when heavy rodent damage is noticed.
