
就讓 VoiceTube 介紹幾個實用的父親節祝福語吧!


  • (1) 一般祝福語
  • (2) 感謝付出及辛勞
  • (3) 給予讚美

(1) 一般祝福語

這個系列的祝福語基本上是環繞在對父親跟父親節的直接祝福,比方說最直觀會想到的 Happy Father’s Day!(父親節快樂!)或是其它直接提及 Father’s Day 的祝福語也都包含在這個範圍中。此外,直接對父親表示自己對他的感情跟愛的也列於一般祝福語當中。

  • Happy Father’s Day! 父親節快樂!
  • I love you, Dad. 爸爸我愛您。
  • You are the best Daddy in the whole world. 您是世界上最好的爸爸。
  • Wishing you a happy Father’s Day with the best of everything. 祝您父親節快樂,萬事如意!

Wish 在這裡當動詞,代表祝福,句子後方的 with the best of everything 從字義翻就是對一切都祝福的祝福語,整體合起來就有萬事如意的意思。

  • With warm wishes on Father’s Day. 在父親節獻上最溫暖的祝福。

跟上句不同的的這裡的 wish 則是作為名詞,也是代表祝福的意思,在這裡特別提一下上面的句型只要包括了 Dad、Father、Daddy 等相關單字都要以大寫開頭,是用以表示對該詞代表身份(長輩)的尊重。另外只要前方沒有所有格或是任何限定詞,包括母親 Mom/Mother,或是外婆 Grandmother、外公 Grandfather 等長輩相關單字都是以大寫開頭喔!

(2) 感謝付出及辛勞


  • Thank you for holding my hand when I need it. 謝謝您總在我需要的時後伸出援手。

Hold someone’s hand 字面上有「握住某人的手」的意思,作為延伸也有伸出援手的意思。這句主要可以用於子女感謝爸爸無論何時何地總是不離不棄地相伴身邊,像棵大樹一樣永遠穩固孩子的成長。

  • Thank you for everything you do for our family and beyond. 謝謝您為這個家付出的一切。
  • Thank you for being such a role model and influence on my life. 謝謝您總是為我樹立典範。

這個句子主要是用以表示父親在自己心中的重要地位,role model 有「典範、偶像」的意思,而 influence 在此作為名詞,字義為「影響」。

  • Your experience and guidance have always been appreciated. 您的經驗和教誨會永遠深存我心。

Guidance 在這邊作為名詞,有指導的意思,是 guide 的名詞。appreciate 代表欣賞,此句子整句串起來就是在感謝父親這一生給的教誨以及以他的經驗談所指導的一切。

  • Your eyes show sternness, but more kindness and care. 您的眼神看似嚴厲,卻飽含著更多的仁慈和關心。

Sternness 在此作為名詞,有嚴厲的意思,為形容詞 stern 的名詞形式。Kindness 為 kind 的名詞形式,代表善良,而 care 在此也是作為名詞,有關心的意思。這句主要是在說父親的眼神裡常常透漏對小孩的鞭策而總是展現自己不苟言笑的一面,但顏麗的外表下是對子女滿滿的愛與關懷。

(3) 給予讚美


  • How could I be so lucky to have a dad like you? 我怎麼能如此幸運,竟能有像您這樣的父親?
  • You’re always my superhero, Dad. 父親,您永遠是我的超級英雄。

Superhero 代表超級英雄。人們常說父親就是子女的英雄,雖然常常自顧不暇,但依舊是犧牲自己的將子女放在第一位,為了小孩而付出犧牲,的確是如超級英雄般偉大的存在。

  • I am glad that you are my father. 我很高興您是我爸爸。
  • Words can’t tell how much you mean to me. 言語無法形容您對我有多重要。

Mean 在這作為動詞,代表了「意味,代表」。這句主要是強調父親在自己心中的是崇高且不可被撼動的。

  • You have been not only a father but a good friend. 您不只是個父親,還是個很好的朋友。

這句只要學起來,爸爸看到一定會很開心。一個父母生下了孩子,所謂的 generation gap(代溝)是一定有的,能讓自己的父母看見自己的小孩將他視為自己能交心、寄託秘密的朋友般的存在,對他們來說一定會是一個莫大的喜悅及成就。


小編另外在這裡預祝每一個為了自己家庭辛苦奮鬥的父親 Happy Father’s Day!

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文/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語
圖/ Pexels


����On this special day, I want to say I’m proud of you, appreciate all you’ve done for me and I love you.



����Thanks for holding my hand when I need it.


����Wish beloved father good health, great happiness and good luck in everything on the coming Father’s Day.


����Wish you a happy Father’s Day and the best of everything.


����With warm wishes for Father’s Day.



����You have been there when I needed you


����You have always been so patient with me.


����Father's Day ia a time to remember all the good things that Dad do for us..


����I love you more than anything else.


����Thanks for helping me through the tough times.


����How could I be so lucky to have a Dad like you.


����All my love to the dearest father in the world.


����You are the best Dad in the world.


����Words can’t tell how much you mean to us. We wish you happiness on this special day.


����Your experience and guidance have always been appreciated.


����Your eyes show sternness, but more kindness and care. Thank you for making me feel important.


����Congratulate you on Father’s Day.


����Happy Father’s Day to you.


����I am glad that you are my Dad.


����Have the best father's Day ever.


����This is for all the things that you have done for me.


����Thanks for holding my hand when I needed it.


����I owe all of my skills of fatherhood to you Dad. Happy Father's Day.


����We all love you,Dad.


����I didn’t realize that being a father would be so difficult. It makes me appreciate you all the more.


����I didn’t see what a good father you were to us before, but I do now.


����I hope you know how proud I am of you, father.Happy Father’s Day! Happiness always.


����I own all of my skills of fatherhood to you Dad. Happy Father’s Day.


����May all your wishes come true.


����Now that I am a father, I can see what a good job you did in raising us.















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