盗墓笔记 第 二 季 drama

主人公吳邪(侯明昊 飾)身為老九門吳家後人,從機關重重的戰國墓“七星魯王宮”九死一生逃出生天後,回到家中發現三叔吳三省(姚櫓 飾)失蹤,還牽扯出十幾年前的一樁考古隊謎案。吳邪接到神秘的阿寧來信,為找到三叔,他前去西沙明代沉船葬海底墓尋找線索,遇到自七星魯王宮分別的王胖子(張博宇 飾),還發現神秘古物蛇眉銅魚,以及失憶的張起靈(成毅 飾),而小哥來到西沙海底墓似乎還另有原因。在潛入神秘的明代船墓過程,遭遇海猴子、禁婆等怪物的攻擊,最終突破奇門遁甲的層層機關返回陸地。然而蛇眉銅魚、六角銅鈴的線索又將他們指引到秦嶺,去探尋巨大青銅樹的秘密。


I basically LOVE the idea that this sequel finally happened and even when the plot changed a bit compared to how we were left with the cliffhanger on The Lost Tomb 2; I was still able to pick up the pieces after several episodes and allowed me to enjoy it like how I always do. But my most OUTSTANDING SCENE is on EP.18, probably the most GAY-ISH SKINSHIP we've ever get between WX & ZQL throughout the entire series'. I died with so much flatter and joy with the camera focused during those moments and also I love how WX addressed some annoying issues about WPZ (I like him and got used to his character all this time and I love the Iron Triangle but WPZs behaviour has been bothering me since then and finally it was addressed and highlighted this time).

Things I dislike are mostly the underwhelming production and story/plot. I feel like they could've done better in terms of plot twist and some effects but it simply never happened. As always I got used to JUMPY scenarios with The Lost Tomb Series but something just didn't sit properly with me while watching it. It also felt rushed at the end and a little bit too dragging at the middle part of the story. I feel like they could've done better. This is probably my 2nd least favorite installment right after Lost Tomb 1 with Li YiFeng.

Story - 8.0, As i mentioned It felt dragging and rushed and they seriously could have done better to make it WORK!

Acting/Cast - 9.5, I never got issue with WX & ZQL character changes but they felt a little distant in this series. I felt like they went a little less closer but the skinship made up for that— In terms of acting Bai Shu did his best and I LOVE that he has some expressions/views that look exactly like Neo Hou and he look like him countless of times as well same thing with ZQL since he reminded me of Arata Mackenyu and Suho of EXO so I was satisfied watching them the entire time. Their acting itself felt a little different but is still pass-able!

Music - 9.0, Like what I always say on my reviews 'We can never go wrong with music' (that often lol) It has decent set of music that fits the scenes and it never bothered me. I gave it a 9 since I'm just not a big fan of suspense, creepy type of music and i usually prefer ballad and pop. Nonetheless I enjoy the music accompaniment on this series.

Rewatch Value - 7.5, I probably won't rewatch it unless i have decided to watch the entirety of The Lost Tomb Series when everything has been completely adapted. But till then nope, I won't rewatch. But hey!! this series is decent.

Overall - 8.5, I really wanted to give it a higher Mark but the most important factor for me is Plot && Production and I felt like they lack so much in that area. Nonetheless this is a decent adaptation; probably not the best but certainly not the worst as well.



秦俊杰 饰 角色未公开


誘:杨洋都没了 还拍个鬼啊【2017-02-24 13:53:14】

安生如歌灬:国产剧两大毒瘤欢瑞和马桶台【2017-07-24 13:15:18】

刘星花园:????????还拍【2017-05-09 17:15:54】

笋頭:制作摸着门道才是硬道理,大IP是耳闻已久,有没有谱还得看,选秦俊杰这样有中戏表演科班实力的演员参演,对头,虽然之前刘天佐就是演技过硬的中戏出身,制作团队的匠心才最管用。(演员也是未有定论)【2016-12-03 08:49:33】

膜法:妈的,请让李冰冰来演阿宁好吗,实在看不下去唐嫣了【2016-07-05 23:54:22】

阿茆:唉╯﹏╰记得大一爱奇艺上线盗墓笔记第一季,虽然差评铺天盖地,但我真的超级喜欢杨洋饰演的小哥,没来由的喜欢,不管那个杀马特发型嗯。╯﹏╰在中国所有的第二季都来的那么难吗?流产的电视剧真的太多太多了,然而玛丽苏神剧每年都不会少。。。。唉╯﹏╰突然好沮丧【2018-05-26 18:59:40】

关外神婆:有鲜肉就不看【2017-11-01 13:26:04】

[已注销]:????妈的海底墓不拍了??直接跳过??????【2017-09-15 19:34:15】

萧浅姑娘:云顶天宫 可是盗墓笔记里我最喜欢的一部。。【2018-07-18 11:02:31】

大王来寻shan:大唐荣耀剧组三位男演员在这喜相逢?【2019-01-24 03:22:57】

戏如人生:腾讯这次要啧啧,心疼腾讯粑粑三秒。【2017-02-18 06:44:24】

zqwar:期待腾讯的盗墓笔记。腾讯的鬼吹灯虽然主角也不是很像。但比南派自己拍的真是强了太多了【2018-01-14 15:53:04】

兰坡:看这演员阵容,秦俊杰,任嘉伦和茅子俊是铁三角,秦俊杰是男主吴邪的话,那任嘉伦和茅子俊谁是张起灵谁是胖子,无语了,根本就不像好吧,而且现在茅子俊好像是到于妈的欢娱了,某瑞买一些有名的小说该编,演员成天都是秦、茅、任仨人,不是秦是男主,就是任是男主,茅子俊永远的男配,怪不得人家走了呢,于妈直接给大IP的男主,真的是敢不敢再恶心点了【2019-06-11 14:49:26】