Forces 中文

force verb [T] (GIVE NO CHOICE)


to make something happen or make someone do something difficult, unpleasant, or unusual, especially by threatening or not offering the possibility of choice


[ + to infinitive ] I really have to force myself to be nice to him. 我確實要強迫自己才能做到對他和顔悅色。

[ + to infinitive ] You can't force her to make a decision. 你不能強迫她作決定。

Hospitals are being forced to close departments because of lack of money. 由於缺乏資金,醫院正被迫關閉部分診療科。

You could tell he was having to force back the tears (= stop himself from crying). 你能看得出他在強忍著淚水。

I didn't actually want any more dessert, but Julia forced it on me (= made me accept it). 我其實不想再要甜點了,但是朱莉亞硬要我吃。

I couldn't stay at their flat - I'd feel as if I was forcing myself on them (= making them allow me to stay). 我沒法呆在他們的公寓——我會覺得好像是自己在勉強他們留我一樣。

You never tell me how you're feeling - I have to force it out of you (= make you tell me)! 你從不告訴我你的感受——我要逼你說才行!

biology, food & drink   specialized

If plants or vegetables are forced, they are made to grow faster by artificially controlling growing conditions such as the amount of heat and light.


forced strawberries 催熟的草莓

 force a laugh/smile

to manage, with difficulty, to laugh or smile


I managed to force a smile as they were leaving. 他們離開時,我強裝笑顔。

 force an/the issue

to take action to make certain that an urgent problem or matter is dealt with now


If the management wouldn't listen to their demands, they would have to force the issue by striking. 如果管理層不理會他們的要求,他們就不得不透過罷工來迫使問題得到解決。

  • The new tax would force companies to adopt energy-saving measures.
  • Hospitals are being forced to close departments because of lack of money.
  • The recession is forcing the company to rationalize.
  • Doctors are being forced to work impossibly long hours.
  • It's only a matter of time before he's forced to resign.

force verb [T] (GIVE NO CHOICE)


to make something happen or make someone do something difficult, unpleasant, or unusual, especially by threatening or not offering the possibility of choice


[ + to infinitive ] I really have to force myself to be nice to him. 我确实得要强迫自己才能做到对他和颜悦色。

[ + to infinitive ] You can't force her to make a decision. 你不能强迫她作决定。

Hospitals are being forced to close departments because of lack of money. 由于缺乏资金,医院正被迫关闭部分诊疗科。

You could tell he was having to force back the tears (= stop himself from crying). 你能看得出他在强忍着泪水。

I didn't actually want any more dessert, but Julia forced it on me (= made me accept it). 我其实不想再要甜点了,但是朱莉亚硬要我吃。

I couldn't stay at their flat - I'd feel as if I was forcing myself on them (= making them allow me to stay). 我没法呆在他们的公寓——我会觉得好像是自己在勉强他们留我一样。

You never tell me how you're feeling - I have to force it out of you (= make you tell me)! 你从不告诉我你的感受——我要逼你说才行!

biology, food & drink   specialized

If plants or vegetables are forced, they are made to grow faster by artificially controlling growing conditions such as the amount of heat and light.


forced strawberries 催熟的草莓

 force a laugh/smile

to manage, with difficulty, to laugh or smile


I managed to force a smile as they were leaving. 他们离开时,我强装笑颜。

 force an/the issue

to take action to make certain that an urgent problem or matter is dealt with now


If the management wouldn't listen to their demands, they would have to force the issue by striking. 如果管理层不理会他们的要求,他们就不得不通过罢工来迫使问题得到解决。

  • The new tax would force companies to adopt energy-saving measures.
  • Hospitals are being forced to close departments because of lack of money.
  • The recession is forcing the company to rationalize.
  • Doctors are being forced to work impossibly long hours.
  • It's only a matter of time before he's forced to resign.