

What is a herniated disk? A Mayo Clinic expert explains

Learn more from Mohamad Bydon, M.D.

Hello. I'm Dr. Mohamad Bydon, a neurosurgeon at Mayo Clinic. In this video, we'll cover the basics of disk herniation. What is it? Who gets it? The symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Whether you're looking for answers for yourself or someone you love, we're here to give you the best information available. Your spine is a stack of bones known as vertebrae, and between these bones are small rubbery disks that act as cushions. They have a soft jelly-like center or nucleus that is encased by a tougher rubbery exterior. Sometimes the exterior of these rubbery disks can tear, and the soft inside slips out. This results in a herniated disk, also known as a slipped disk or ruptured disk. This disk injury can irritate nearby nerves causing pain, numbness, or weakness in an arm or a leg. Many people with a slipped disk never experience symptoms and surgery is rarely required to fix the problem. Nonetheless, there are a range of treatments available to help those who suffer pain or discomfort from a herniated disk.

In most cases, a slipped disk happens because of wear and tear, something known as disk degeneration as you age. Your disks become less flexible and are more prone to tears and ruptures. Most people cannot identify the cause of their herniated disk. It can happen from using your back muscles instead of your leg and thigh muscles to lift heavy a object. Or from awkwardly twisting and turning. That said, there are other factors outside of your age that can increase your risk of slipping a disk. Being overweight increases the strain on the disks in your lower back. Some people may be genetically predisposed to rupturing a disk. Working a physically demanding job, and smoking can decrease the oxygen supply to your disk, causing it to degenerate more rapidly.

It's possible to have a herniated disk without having any symptoms. This happens to a lot of people. They may first learn about a herniated disk while undergoing tests for a different issue. Slip disks can trigger a few classic symptoms. Arm or leg pain often described as a sharp or shooting pain. Pain in your buttocks, thighs, calf, even your foot, numbness or tingling. Your exact symptoms depend on where the herniated disk is located, whether it's pressing on a nerve. Talking to a doctor about the pain that you're experiencing is always a smart move.

Your doctor will usually be able to tell if you have a herniated disk by conducting a physical exam, asking about your medical history. They may ask you to lie flat, move your legs into various positions. They may also check your reflexes, muscle strength, walking ability, see if you can feel light touch, pinprick vibration. If your doctor thinks another condition is causing the pain or needs to see which nerves are being affected by the slipped disk, they may order one or more of the following; an X-ray, a CT scan, an MRI, rarely a myelogram. Your medical team may perform a nerve test like a nerve conduction study or an EMG to help pinpoint the location of the nerve damage.

More often than not, watching your movement, and taking pain medication relieves symptoms for most people. Over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen, ibuprofen, naproxen are great options for mild-to-moderate pain. If your pain is severe, your doctor might recommend a cortisone injection or muscle relaxers. In rare cases, opioids may be prescribed for a short period of time when other treatments have not worked. Physical therapy can also help manage pain with positions, stretches, and exercises designed to minimize the discomfort caused by a herniated disk. Few people with a slipped disk ever need surgery, but when it's necessary, surgeons may perform what's known as a diskectomy. This may be done in an open manner or in a minimally invasive manner. The protruding portion of the disk is removed. Sometimes in cases of spinal instability, a bone graft is needed where the vertebrae are fused together with metal hardware. In rare circumstances, a surgeon may implant an artificial disk to replace the herniated one.

If you think you have a herniated disk, talk to your doctor, come prepared, try to figure out when your symptoms started, how you may have injured it, and what, if anything, helps improve your symptoms. Back injuries are incredibly common. Thankfully, most people find a way to manage their pain and are able to return to normal activity in no time. If you'd like to learn more about disk herniation, watch our other related videos or visit mayoclinic.org. We wish you well.







  • 手臂或腿部疼痛。如果您患有下背部椎间盘突出,通常会感觉臀部、大腿和小腿最痛。您也可能出现脚痛。如果您是颈部椎间盘突出,通常会感觉肩部和手臂最痛。您咳嗽、打喷嚏或转换为某个特殊体位时,这种疼痛会快速传入手臂或腿。患者经常将疼痛描述为锐痛或烧灼痛。
  • 麻木感或麻刺感。椎间盘突出的患者经常出现受累神经支配侧身体放射性麻木感或麻刺感。
  • 虚弱。由受累神经支配的肌肉通常会较无力。这可能让您容易绊倒,或者影响您提拿物品的能力。









  • 体重。超重会为下背的椎间盘带来额外的压力。
  • 职业。体力工作者后背出现问题的风险更大。反复提起、拉拽、推动、侧向弯腰以及扭转也可能增加出现椎间盘突出的风险。
  • 遗传学。有些人遗传了椎间盘突出易感体质。
  • 抽烟。一般认为抽烟会减少为椎间盘供应的氧气量,导致椎间盘破裂得更快。





  • 症状恶化。疼痛、麻木或虚弱会加重到妨碍您的日常活动。
  • 膀胱或肠道功能障碍。马尾综合征可导致尿失禁或排尿困难(即使膀胱充盈)。
  • 鞍状麻醉。这种渐进式感觉丧失会影响与马鞍接触的部位 — 大腿内侧、腿后部和直肠周围的区域。



  • 运动。强化躯干肌肉来稳定和支持脊柱。
  • 保持良好的体态。这会降低您脊柱和椎间盘的压力。特别是长时间坐着的时候,要保持背部挺直。正确举起重物,用您的腿部而不是背部来做大部分工作。
  • 保持健康的体重。体重过重会对脊柱和椎间盘产生更多压力,使它们更易患腰椎间盘突出症。
  • 戒烟。戒除任何烟草制品。

Sept. 26, 2019

  1. Herniated disc. American Association of Neurological Surgeons. //www.aans.org/en/Patients/Neurosurgical-Conditions-and-Treatments/Herniated-Disc. Accessed Aug. 20, 2019.
  2. AskMayoExpert. Herniated disc. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; 2019.
  3. Levin K, et al. Acute lumbosacral radiculopathy: Treatment and prognosis. //www.uptodate.com/contents/search. Accessed Aug. 20, 2019.
  4. Herniated disk. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. //orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/diseases--conditions/herniated-disk/. Accessed Aug. 20, 2019.
  5. FAQs before EDX testing. American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine. //www.aanem.org/Patients/FAQs-before-EDX-Testing. Accessed Aug. 20, 2019.
  6. Herniated disk in the lower back. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. //orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/diseases--conditions/herniated-disk-in-the-lower-back/. Accessed Aug. 20, 2019.
  7. Shelerud RA (expert opintion). Mayo Clinic. Aug. 26, 2019.


Associated Procedures



脊椎有一个柔软的果冻状中心(髓核),被较坚韧的弹力外部(纤维环)所包裹。 椎间盘突出有时叫做椎间盘滑出或椎间盘破裂,当一些髓核通过纤维环的裂口向外膨出时,就会发生。 椎间盘突出可能发生在脊柱的任何部位,并会刺激附近的神经。 椎间盘突出会随着突出部位的不同导致手臂或腿部疼痛、麻木或无力。


常见的腰椎间盘突出症状有:疼痛、麻木、无力、大小便障碍,这按严重程度逐级递增的,疼痛最轻,其次麻木,而后下肢无力,最严重的大小便障碍。 它们可能同时伴发,也可能一开始就出现麻木症状,而仅出现一过性疼痛,但是它们的恢复效果不同的。


腰椎间盘突出骨科常见、多发病,它与95%的坐骨神经痛和50%的腿痛有着密切的关系,并可引起继发性腰椎管狭窄。 本多见于青壮年,患者痛苦大,有马尾神经损害者可有大小便功能障碍,严重者可致截瘫。 治疗应根据不同病例分别选用非手术或手术治疗,绝大多数腰椎间盘突出症能经非手术治疗可使症状消失。


腰椎间盘突出症是常见病和多发病,其主要症状腿痛,对患者日常生活和工作造成严重影响。 腰椎间盘突出症治疗方法大体分为手术治疗和非手术治疗。 非手术治疗方法很多,包括理疗,针灸、推拿以及药物等。 一般来说,80%的患者经积极的非手术治疗都可获得满意的疗效。


