托 爾 斯 泰 人 依靠 什麼 而 活

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人依靠什麼而活 ─托爾斯泰短篇哲理故事

What Men Live By


作者:列夫·托爾斯泰 (Лев Николаевич Толстой)




定價:NT$  280


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列夫‧托爾斯泰(Leo Tolstoy1828-1910


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《人依靠什麼而活:托爾斯泰短篇哲理故事》 導讀


十九世紀80年代,俄國社會被資本主義摧殘的體無完膚,俄國文學卻在此時大放異彩,文學家們開始注意到了在社會結構下長期被忽略的一群人-農民,並嘗試藉由文字忠實地記載農民日常生活與悲歡離合,希望以此溫和地喚醒農民追求屬於自己的自由 。




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The book is written by Tolstoy so what can one presume except sheer brilliance.

The book comprises of four short stories each having unforgettable lessons and deep meanings of life.

What Men live by
"I have learnt that all men live not by care for themselves but by love".

Three Questions
"Remember then: there is only one time that is important- Now!"

The coffee-house of Surat
"The higher the man's conception of God, the better he will know Him. And the better he knows God, the nearer will he draw t

The book is written by Tolstoy so what can one presume except sheer brilliance.

The book comprises of four short stories each having unforgettable lessons and deep meanings of life.

What Men live by
"I have learnt that all men live not by care for themselves but by love".

Three Questions
"Remember then: there is only one time that is important- Now!"

The coffee-house of Surat
"The higher the man's conception of God, the better he will know Him. And the better he knows God, the nearer will he draw to Him, imitating His goodness, His mercy, and His love of man".

How much land does a man need?
"Six feet from his head to his heels was all he needed".


How Much Land Does a Man Need? is my favorite from this collection. Overall, the others don’t do much for me personally, but they are still enjoyable.

Not alot to see here. Four morality tales/parables that teach life lessons. Seems geared towards a younger reading audience. 'How Much Land Does a Man Need?' is the best of the four and worth a read. Not alot to see here. Four morality tales/parables that teach life lessons. Seems geared towards a younger reading audience. 'How Much Land Does a Man Need?' is the best of the four and worth a read. ...more

The tales "What Men Live by" and "How Much Land Does a Man Need", which I already read earlier in its own book, really got me. Very thoughtful and philosophical as I expected. The tales "What Men Live by" and "How Much Land Does a Man Need", which I already read earlier in its own book, really got me. Very thoughtful and philosophical as I expected. ...more

A GREAT read. Very simple, yet very deep. You can read it at many levels and get a lot out of it on each level.

Favorite quotes. First, what men live by:
"I have now understood that though it seems to men that they live by care for themselves, in truth it is love alone by which they live. He who has love, is in God, and God is in him, for God is love."
(Leo Tolstoy, "What Men Live By" in What Men Live By and Other Tales, TARK Classic Fiction: Rockville, MD. 2008, p.35)

"Remember then: there is only

A GREAT read. Very simple, yet very deep. You can read it at many levels and get a lot out of it on each level.

Favorite quotes. First, what men live by:
"I have now understood that though it seems to men that they live by care for themselves, in truth it is love alone by which they live. He who has love, is in God, and God is in him, for God is love."
(Leo Tolstoy, "What Men Live By" in What Men Live By and Other Tales, TARK Classic Fiction: Rockville, MD. 2008, p.35)

"Remember then: there is only one time that is important--Now! It is the most important time because it is the only time when we have any power. The most necessary man is he with whom you are, for no man knows whether he will ever have dealings with any one else: and the most important affair is, to do him good, because for that purpose alone was man sent into this life!"
(Leo Tolstoy, "Three Questions" in What Men Live By and Other Tales, TARK Classic Fiction: Rockville, MD. 2008, p.41)
THIS ONE IS MY FAVORITE! Ho.ly cow. This quote evokes in me a reverence of the meaning of life. We should plan ahead, we should remember the past, but life only HAPPENS in one moment--RIGHT NOW! Don't squander it with preoccupation with either the past or future. Joy is to be had in the present, now and always.

"The higher a man's conception of God, the better will he know Him. And the better he knows God, the nearer will he draw to Him, imitating His goodness, His mercy, and His love of man.
Therefore, let him who sees the sun's whole light filling the world, refrain from blaming or despising the superstitious man, who is his own idol sees one ray of that same light. Let him not despise even the unbeliever who is blind and cannot see the sun at all."
(Leo Tolstoy, "The Coffee-house of Surat" in What Men Live By and Other Tales, TARK Classic Fiction: Rockville, MD. 2008, p.51)
(On tolerating other's belief systems. A great short story that pitted different religious leaders against each other in a most contentious manner--far from the love that each religion advocates but too quickly forgets when dealing with people who believe differently from themselves)


I find myself falling into reading more and more of the Russian literature. I guess my roots are breaking through the many years I have lived in the US.

I want my intelligence to rise beyond that of "media munchers" (those who read magazines and live through reality tv).

All in all, the stories and points of these raskasi are well written and well thought out.

Teaches of behavior, actions, and greed. People should be satisfied with what they have rather than hopping to and fro. This point may be t

I find myself falling into reading more and more of the Russian literature. I guess my roots are breaking through the many years I have lived in the US.

I want my intelligence to rise beyond that of "media munchers" (those who read magazines and live through reality tv).

All in all, the stories and points of these raskasi are well written and well thought out.

Teaches of behavior, actions, and greed. People should be satisfied with what they have rather than hopping to and fro. This point may be transferred to real life examples...such as men and women hopping around and "dating" absolutely everyone rather than choosing, being satisfied, and working with the one person their heart tells them is theirs. People give up on what they have to easily and it seems as though it is never enough. Once a person gives up, they launch themselves on an everlasting quest of finding the one person who fits them 100% and that is just...well...improbable which in turn causes one to use another and move on at the first sight of a fault. People are giver uppers. =/

I enjoyed these short stories and believe many people would benefit from reading them carefully to get the full meaning and messages.

Swallow and release your pride, be humble, be moral, and compassionate.


Without a verbose explanation, Tolstoy is simply rushing towards God.

The last short story in the book "How Much Land Does A Man Need" is genius. Just say'n. The last short story in the book "How Much Land Does A Man Need" is genius. Just say'n. ...more

This story struck a chord and made me cry in front of my eighth grade literature class.

Russian literature is similar to Arabic. It is rich with lessons and imagery, and simple to understand. I’m enjoying it.

Tolstoy's stories are wonderful teaching tales about the nature of life and about the things that matter, or rather about the things that should matter. In this collection, he is a simple writer, without any heaviness of theology and philosophy. Though these elements are present, they are embedded in the stories and characters, and become lived realities. Three Questions is a particularly compelling story, as is the Coffeehouse. Tolstoy's stories are wonderful teaching tales about the nature of life and about the things that matter, or rather about the things that should matter. In this collection, he is a simple writer, without any heaviness of theology and philosophy. Though these elements are present, they are embedded in the stories and characters, and become lived realities. Three Questions is a particularly compelling story, as is the Coffeehouse. ...more

This book, which I found in Gutenberg, contains the following stories:
-What men live by
-Three questions
-The coffee-house of Surat
-How much land does a man need?

The first and last are novellas and I liked them both.
What men live by is about a cobbler’s apprentice who needs to learn the answer to the title question, and does so by the end.
How much land does a man need? is a moral tale about greed, in the style of the tale of the milk maid.

The other are two-page fables that I had read elsewhere.

Well, it’s LEO TOLSTOY!!! I don’t think I need to explain further.

This volume contains some of my favorite short stories by him- 3 questions, The coffee house in Surat, What men live by and God is where Love Is.

There are some really meaningful quotes I this book:

“Remember then: there is only one time that is important-- Now! It is the most important time because it is the only time when we have any power. The most necessary man is he with whom you are, for no man knows whether he will ever have

Well, it’s LEO TOLSTOY!!! I don’t think I need to explain further.

This volume contains some of my favorite short stories by him- 3 questions, The coffee house in Surat, What men live by and God is where Love Is.

There are some really meaningful quotes I this book:

“Remember then: there is only one time that is important-- Now! It is the most important time because it is the only time when we have any power. The most necessary man is he with whom you are, for no man knows whether he will ever have dealings with any one else: and the most important affair is, to do him good, because for that purpose alone was man sent into this life!”

If only more people interpreted religious scriptures like he did!

At the risk of sounding overdramatic, I would say that, Leo Tolstoy’s books make my heart sing with joy.




WHAT MEN LIVE BY: A shoemaker named Simon, who had neither house nor land of his own, lived with his wife and children in a peasant's hut, and earned his living by his work. Work was cheap, but bread was dear, and what he earned he spent for food. The man and his wife had but one sheepskin coat between them for winter wear, and even that was torn to tatters, and this was the second year he had been wanting to buy sheep-skins for



WHAT MEN LIVE BY: A shoemaker named Simon, who had neither house nor land of his own, lived with his wife and children in a peasant's hut, and earned his living by his work. Work was cheap, but bread was dear, and what he earned he spent for food. The man and his wife had but one sheepskin coat between them for winter wear, and even that was torn to tatters, and this was the second year he had been wanting to buy sheep-skins for a new coat. Before winter Simon saved up a little money: a three-rouble note lay hidden in his wife's box, and five roubles and twenty kopeks were owed him by customers in the village.


I really do love the moral tales that Tolstoy offers up in most of his short stories, but these four are particularly wonderful. The fun part for me is that the tales are lined up in the book in my order of preference! Brilliant! One of the things I love best about short stories that they hit you quickly with a punch and make you think. Keep in mind that these stories do tend to have a spiritual element. Each one of these stories does just that and reading them aloud as a family would make for a I really do love the moral tales that Tolstoy offers up in most of his short stories, but these four are particularly wonderful. The fun part for me is that the tales are lined up in the book in my order of preference! Brilliant! One of the things I love best about short stories that they hit you quickly with a punch and make you think. Keep in mind that these stories do tend to have a spiritual element. Each one of these stories does just that and reading them aloud as a family would make for a powerful discussion as each story could easily be understood by most ages. In fact, at least two of these stories have been turned into children's books! ...more

What Men Live By: 10/10
Three Questions: 10/10
The Coffee House of Surat: 10/10
How Much Land Does a Man Need? 10/10

Finally read this collection. None can match the superior intellect of Leo Tolstoy! :)
All hail to Russians!

This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. .

Tolstoy is love.
4 short srories, each is a testimony of Tolstoy's genius.

"Remember then: there is only one time that is important—Now! It is the most important time because it is the only time when we have any power. The most necessary man is he with whom you are, for no man knows whether he will ever have dealings with any one else: and the most important affair is, to do him good, because for that purpose alone was man sent into this life!”

Last sentence


Tolstoy is love.
4 short srories, each is a testimony of Tolstoy's genius.

"Remember then: there is only one time that is important—Now! It is the most important time because it is the only time when we have any power. The most necessary man is he with whom you are, for no man knows whether he will ever have dealings with any one else: and the most important affair is, to do him good, because for that purpose alone was man sent into this life!”

Last sentence : "Six feet from his head to his heels was all he needed."


This was a very simple read. It has some good lessons. However, reading this book as an adult, it felt like I have already read these lessons over and over again in books and articles and such. Perhaps they were already inspired by this book. So, I wish I read this when I was much younger. These lessons could have been rather fresh for me to form a basis for my understanding of them. Still, a good and simple read.

I read it at the way to work...

I am so supriced again from Tolstosy!!!

Have amasing little storys are here in this book! wow.... So a diferent way to look to live and deat line...

Much different to what I'm used to when I read Russian literature.

I suppose it's a radical-Dostoevsky. With a lack of gun fights.

Much different to what I'm used to when I read Russian literature.

I suppose it's a radical-Dostoevsky. With a lack of gun fights.


The book consists of three distinct chapters/ short stories:

1- What men live by: This is a story about Michael, the angel. And here is my favorite quote from this chapter:
"Then I remembered the first lesson God had set me:‘Learn what dwells in man.’ And I understood that in man dwells Love!"
"What dwells in man I already knew. Now I learned what is not given to him. It is not given to man to know his own needs."
"I have learned that all men live not by care for themselves but by love. "
"I have now

The book consists of three distinct chapters/ short stories:

1- What men live by: This is a story about Michael, the angel. And here is my favorite quote from this chapter:
"Then I remembered the first lesson God had set me:‘Learn what dwells in man.’ And I understood that in man dwells Love!"
"What dwells in man I already knew. Now I learned what is not given to him. It is not given to man to know his own needs."
"I have learned that all men live not by care for themselves but by love. "
"I have now understood that though it seems to men that they live by care for themselves, in truth, it is love alone by which they live."

2- the three questions: This story is about the three questions of which a king tries to find the answers. To me, the climax of this chapter is:
"Remember then: there is only one time that is important--Now! It is the most important time because it is the only time when we have any power. The most necessary man is he with whom you are, for no man knows whether he will ever have dealings with anyone else: and the most important affair is, to do him good, because for that purpose alone was man sent into this life!"

3- The coffee house of Surat: This one is a story of a public discussion that takes place in a coffee house amongst the present travelers, ignited by a Persian scholar and his servant. My favorite quote for this part is:
"It is pride that causes error and discord among men."


A collection of short stories, each teaching you invaluable life lessons. The book makes you notice key perspectives we overlook or avoid in life to be a happy person. This is a must-read for everyone.

The last story, How much land does a man need?, deserves five stars. The last sentence thereof deserves more.

I will make my kids read this

Powerful, tools one can use for a lifetime.

Ever asked yourself "what do men live by?".
Ever asked yourself "how much land does a man need"?
Read it and find out lol
Ever asked yourself "what do men live by?".
Ever asked yourself "how much land does a man need"?
Read it and find out lol

I love reading short stories. They give me something to ponder on a day at a time. And reading stories from Tolstoy makes them all the richer. He employs morals that can be found in everyone’s life. Whether one wants to accept it or not, the questions and answers Tolstoy employs in his stories are universal. There is much for everyone to gain by reading his wisdom.

"The three lessons of God;
Learn what dwells in man (Love has been given to men, to dwell in their hearts)
Learn what is not given to man (It is not given to men, to know their own needs)
Learn what men live by (Man does not live by care for himself, but by the love for them that is in other's hearts)"

"Remember then: there is only one time that is important- Now!"

"The three lessons of God;
Learn what dwells in man (Love has been given to men, to dwell in their hearts)
Learn what is not given to man (It is not given to men, to know their own needs)
Learn what men live by (Man does not live by care for himself, but by the love for them that is in other's hearts)"

"Remember then: there is only one time that is important- Now!"


I listened to it as an audiobook.. i found it enlightening, wise, spiritual and heart-warming.

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (Russian: Лев Николаевич Толстой; most appropriately used Liev Tolstoy; commonly Leo Tolstoy in Anglophone countries) was a Russian writer who primarily wrote novels and short stories. Later in life, he also wrote plays and essays. His two most famous works, the novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina, are acknowledged as two of the greatest novels of all time and a pinnacl Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (Russian: Лев Николаевич Толстой; most appropriately used Liev Tolstoy; commonly Leo Tolstoy in Anglophone countries) was a Russian writer who primarily wrote novels and short stories. Later in life, he also wrote plays and essays. His two most famous works, the novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina, are acknowledged as two of the greatest novels of all time and a pinnacle of realist fiction. Many consider Tolstoy to have been one of the world's greatest novelists. Tolstoy is equally known for his complicated and paradoxical persona and for his extreme moralistic and ascetic views, which he adopted after a moral crisis and spiritual awakening in the 1870s, after which he also became noted as a moral thinker and social reformer.

His literal interpretation of the ethical teachings of Jesus, centering on the Sermon on the Mount, caused him in later life to become a fervent Christian anarchist and anarcho-pacifist. His ideas on nonviolent resistance, expressed in such works as The Kingdom of God Is Within You, were to have a profound impact on such pivotal twentieth-century figures as Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr.


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