These days 意思

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these days
these days[Ӣ][ði:z deɪz][��][ðiz dez]
n.���ڣ�Ŀǰ; Ŀ��; �ֽ�;
The mobile market seems to be all anybody ever talks about these days.


2022-07-11 ���

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  • 2014-11-11 these days��ʲô��˼
  • 2011-09-03 These Days��ʷ��� 7
  • 2009-07-08 these days ʲô��˼�� 29
  • 2010-09-15 these are the days �����������˼��ʲô 3
  • 2013-08-22 Students these days often have... 855
  • 2011-04-24 theseday����ʲô��˼�� 2
  • 2017-02-04 daysthesedaysʲô��˼��
  • 2011-04-27 how are you going these days?��... 4

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these days的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:


these days的用法和样例:

  1. These fears ought now to be laid.
  2. A top hat is a rare sight these days.
  3. Our firm is stacking up pretty well these days.
  4. You can ignore the implementation of these for now.


the exhibition industry and gave rise to unfairness, and that The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited has manipulated the mortgage insurance market, about which great grievances are heard.

在這段日子裏,我們已經收 到不少投訴,對貿易發展局壟斷展覽行業所造成的不公平,以及按揭證 [...]

During these days, you'll want [...]

to gently impart upon him that you're the leader of his pack and that there are rules to be followed.

在这些天里,您要逐渐 向幼犬传授,您是它的主人,并且需要遵守一些规则。

During these 25 days the products [...]

will all have a price significantly more convenient to the already exceptionally low Brand’s standards.

在这 25 天期间,所有产 品的价格都将比已经相当低的品牌标准价格明显地更 [...]

10,000 buyers flock to the city of Milan twice a year during the


Milan Fashion Showroom: the heart of Made in Italy and of the Italian fashion

[...] system beats hard during these showrooms days.

10.000位买家每年两次因米兰时装展厅聚集在此,意大利生产和意大利时装界的中 心 在 这 些天里 因 时装 展 厅而 充满 活力。

He was poorly fed during these six days in detention [...]

and neither his family nor lawyer knew of his whereabouts.

在被拘留的六天中,他无法得 到足够的食 物,他的家人和律师也无法得知他的下落。

Perhaps during these two days, he may form [...]

a focus group consisting of 200 of his advisers and regard it as a sample with representativeness.

或許在這兩天,他可以再 form一個focus group,可能是由200名他的advisers組成的,然後把它當 [...]


I am going to examine whether these seven problems

[...] will occur again during these three days.

陳偉業議員: 主席,我不是要發言,我是要看看這7個問題會 否 在這 3天內再次發生。

(Holy See): I have the great honour to convey the cordial greetings of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI to the


Co-Chairs and to the Heads of State and Government

[...] assembled here during these days to work together [...]

towards a world free of the plague of extreme poverty


and to ensure that all children, women and men in every country of the world enjoy the conditions necessary to live their lives in freedom and dignity.

[...] 为荣幸地转达教皇本笃十六世宗座向共同主席 和这 几天在这里聚会 的国家元首和政府首脑的热情问候, 各位在此携手建 设一个消除极端贫困厄运的世界,确 [...]

保世界各国的所有儿童、妇女和男子都享有过上自由 和有尊严生活的必要条件。

President, under the present system,

[...] as we can see during these two days, many criticisms [...]

were pointing to the fact that this community is being torn apart.

主席,在現時的制度下,這兩天以來 ,有 很多 批評指現時這個社羣 撕裂,所以他們是要和諧和包容。

[...] debate conducted during these two days, a lot of people [...]

have asked whether the economic uncertainties


will create any impact on the implementation of other policies.

主席,在這兩天的辯論當中, 很多人提到經濟不明朗,不知會否對 其他施政造成影響。

In fact, during these days, very few people will discuss it with him, as those who are responsible for Hong Kong's affairs are also very busy.

陳偉業議員:主席,李卓人議員剛 才問 跟誰 討論, 在 這段 時間 裏,其實 甚少人會跟他討論的,因為負責香港組織的有關人士亦很繁忙:習近平 忙於處理新疆騷亂;港澳辦主任廖暉極有 機會 在短 期 內被 調職,在接任 人尚未坐穩、人手尚未調配完畢之前,我相信我們現時也不用期望北京 會就任何香港的政改方案拍板。

Marketing Manager Allison Timberlake of LAI Games pointed out “the

[...] constant flow of buyers has kept me very busy during these few days.

布莱克(Allison Timberlake)即指出,「这几天络绎不绝的买家让我非常忙 碌 ,如 果满分是十分的话,我会 给这场 展会 八分的评价。

Honourable colleagues, let us genuinely ponder and ask

[...] ourselves how we feel during these few days.

Today, I am so delighted, for I have listened to so many

[...] quality debates during these two days. I also have [...]

had a chance to understand my colleagues


and a better understanding of their beliefs in democracy.

今天我感到很高興,因為這兩天聽到 這麼 多高 質素的辯論,我亦有 機會認識我的同事,加深理解他們對民主的理念。

During these three days, ten “Maîtres [...]

d’Art” (Art Masters) and several of their students will present some of their exceptional


creations and will offer demonstrations of their skills to the public.

在为期三天的展览中,十 位“艺术大师”(Maîtres d’Art )及其弟子将为参观者展示其亲手制作的旷世杰作,以及巧夺天工的精湛工艺。

This is naturally an improvement because even if the latest


address is used, the person may still

[...] move to a place during these two days. It is therefore [...]

absolutely necessary to conduct checking again.

這做法固然有進步,因為即使是用了最新的地址,然而 在 那一 兩 天, 涉事人仍 可能會搬屋而轉換地址,所以絕對有需要再度查核。

Many suggestions were made during these few days, such as waiving [...]

If not for the superb management of Mr TUNG

[...] [...] significance, the focal point of our debate during these two days would not have been just issues such as [...] [...]

people's livelihood which are comparatively subjective.

我想他是對的, 若 非 董 先生能在大事上把持 局 面 , 本 會 這兩天 所 辯 論 的 焦 點 或 話 題 , 將不會 只 是一些較為主 觀取向的 政 改 及民生問題 。

The truth is that in the Middle East, at all times

[...] but especially during these turbulent days, peace must be [...]

真相是,在中东,任何时候,但尤其 是在这些动荡不安的日子,和平 必须以安全为依托。

[...] Accounts Committee of the Legislative Council is holding a meeting during these few days to examine whether the Government is doing an appropriate job [...] [...]

in the management of public funds in various areas.

這幾 天 立法會政府帳目委員會正舉 行 會議,研究政 府在各 個 範疇的公帑 管 理是否 做 到 恰 如 其 分。

As for Mr CHAN's question regarding what plans the

[...] police will make during these couple of days, that is, from [...]

today till the 15th, to deal with


members of the alliance to which Mr CHAN belongs and who claim to have the intention to besiege the Legislative Council, it is inappropriate for the police to discuss its plan and strategies here, as I mentioned in the main reply.

至於陳議員問我們,在這數天, 即由今天開 始至 15日,警方會有甚麼 部署,處 理屬於陳議員那個政治聯盟組織,聲稱要包圍立法會的成 [...]

員,我在主體答覆中已提過,警方不適宜在此討論部署和策略,但我 可以重申,警方一定會以合法的方法,盡量配合示威人士和平表達意 見的權利。

The wealth of ideas, initiatives


and recommendations participants

[...] have put forward during these two days will serve as [...]

important substantive input to the


preparations for the September event, in order to make its outcome more meaningful and actionable.

与会者在两天的讨论中提出 的大 量见解、倡议和建议,对 9 月首脑会议的筹备工作将 有重要的实质性贡献,以便使会议成果更加有意义, [...]

Consultation between the staff associations and the Administration has somewhat deteriorated these days.

最 近以来,各工作人员协会和行政管理部门之间的磋商也有点儿不景气。

Moreover, after the Government had announced the introduction of a number of measures, several journalists pretended to be buyers and visited their show flats during these few days.

此外,在政府說推出了多少招之後,有數 個記者便扮鬼扮馬,剛巧在那數天,前往那些樓盤的示範單位,但見牆 上既沒有顯示,又沒有安裝大門,也沒有所謂“清水房”,並無列出所提 供的電器或其他產品清單。

Madam Chairman, I earnestly

[...] hope that Miss YUE can explain to us in great details the legal advice and grounds she has been talking about during these past few days.

主席,我希望俞局長能 夠 詳 細 地解釋她 在這幾 天 所 說 的法律意見和理 由 , 因 為這是一個很重要的辯論,我也希望知 道 政 府有甚 麼 困難, 不能夠 在 餘 下 這 個 星 期做工 夫 。

During these challenging and uncertain days, we call on all [...]

actors to proceed in a calm and peaceful manner and to understand


that violence and unrest can only thwart the will of the Haitian people, not express it.

在这种极具挑战性和捉摸不定的日子 里,我 们呼吁所有行为者以冷静、和平的方式行事, 并认识到,暴力和动乱只会挫败、而不是表达海地人 [...]

Given that simple health check-up services were arranged during these six "Health Check Days", may I ask the Secretary how simple such services [...]

were and what items were included?

這項“健康測試日”是安排一些簡 單的健 康檢查服務,請問有多簡單,包括甚麼項目,會否包 括 一 些運輸 業 界非常關注的項目,例如睡眠窒息症或糖尿病等測試呢?

These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.

这包括:兴建中 的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少 花好 几 天 时 间。


