近视 一个 可以逆转的现代疾病

今天眼镜断了,于是就勾起了每次去眼镜店的痛苦,如果不近视该多好,可惜小时候不明白 还记得之前,医生给我说近视永远都恢复不了的时候,总感觉应该还有其他方法,于是在淘宝上买了贝茨治疗仪,然而只能起到缓解眼疲劳的作用。今天在油管上看到了这位教授的讲座,受益匪浅,不管怎样,因为有人真的成功了,我也要去试一下! 分享!

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陪你感知,每一个发光的日夜 主内公主号:HeavenDew 发光公主号:六月会发光


Myopia:A modern yet reversible disease

Todd Becker,MS


The first part is going to be about the causes of myopia and you really have to start there if you're going to be effective in reversing myopia and the second half will be a technique that I've developed and it's similar techniques that others have developed but it's my own particular twist on it, on how to use active focusing to reverse myopia(如何有效利用眼睛聚焦来逆转近视).

Diet and myopia


For example, eating lot of carbohydrates not surprisingly might Induce a higher incidence of myopia and it's been tied to hyperinsulinemia, to excess carbohydrate intake, to a deficiency of fish oil and essential fatty acids and to mineral deficiencies.


Now Cordain took the view that actually genetics were not that important because he was studying island's of Vanuatu who were at school eight hours a day and yet they only had about 2percent myopia.

Cordain 认为遗传因素并不很重要。他在研究中发现,瓦努阿图岛上的孩子每天在学校呆8个小时,而这些孩子中近视眼只占2%。(因为这些孩子吃鱼,甘薯,椰子,没有面包或者谷物)

There's a theory called the incretinal Retinal-defoucus theory


If you actually fit a person with in minus lens right the axis of the eye will grow and here in just the course of an hour, the length of the eyes increase by more than five millimeters which is significant because the eyes only 25 millimeters long; on the other hand if you put a plus lands in front the eye over the course of an hour it will shrink right by about ten millimeters and if you just put a neutral lens on there is no change. Now this is a study in humans. This is very recent slaughter the older data was in primates and chicks but this is exciting as they now have tools using if atomic here where they can actually measure at the length of the eye when you're focusing




Hormesis is a beneficial response been organism to a low dose stressor otherwise detrimental or lethal at high doses. It works by activating various degense or repair mechanisms and there is a lot of example you might be familiar with. For example,exercise in immunization, calorie restriction;exposure to hot or cold, these provoke an adaptive response UV radiation, phytonutrients, formation calluses, if you play guitar,gobarefoot you get the growth of the skin here. And I will argue that active focusing is also analogous to exercise in this respect.


Exercise particularly weightlifting is a great example of hormesis, right? If you're lifting heavy objects you're causing these micro tears, micro trauma to the muscle and you get a super compensation as a result as long as you don't overdo it your muscles will grow back stronger. The key is you gotta do training optimally by working at the edge a failure. If you overtraining, your damaged muscle; undertrained, you don't get a response, and this is sometimes called a specific adaptation to imposed demand or the said principal. So how can we apply this to reversing myopia?


When you are wearing glasses, you are weak your eyes.There's a few techniques.


First of all, there's print pushing and plus lenses which you use while you're reading.


Secondly, there's a for distance there's the use of progressively weaker lenses where fusion goes to damages which I will talk about


Reading between D1 and D2, and do this for about 2-4 hours every day, take a break every 15 to 30 minutes or so and eventually what you'll find is you can increase D1 and D2, you be surprised actually by how quickly it works. Once you get to 20 inches away (50.8cm) if you can see that, you're in great shape. Now you need to use plus lenses (凸透镜) ,you might try on the plus 1 or the plus 1.25 and the plus 1.5(你可以尝试+1或者+1.25或+1.5的老花镜), so you can read comfortably at 15 to 20 inches.As you get stronger and stronger you might be up to a plus 2.


When I looked in the distance, particularly at objects that had sharp contrast (尖锐边缘对比的物体) like the edge in the building or overhead telephone wires (电线)that I could see a crisp image (一个清晰的影像) and I saw next to that a very faint (一个比较浅的同样的影像)secondary image and this is sometimes called the diplopia or double vision (复视或者重影), it's not a serious problem unless it is in a single eye which you should see your eye doctor (可能是斜视) but generally it's just a refracted issue,(通常它只是一个折射问题)when your eyes have mild myopia not very strong myopia (度数较浅不是高度近视)you will see these two images, sometimes you'll see more than two and it's really just a refractive phenomenon, but it's actually quite useful because the more you stare at this you'll find that one of those two images is darker than the other, and as you keep staring you'll find it one gets darker and the other gets fainter and fainter,and eventually it fuses (一个会变得更深而其他则变得越来越浅并最终融合), So this was my method for active focusing looking in the distance (看远处时主动聚焦的方法)and plus lenses for working at the computer.

A couple facts

First of all it worked for me and for really dozens of others, and I write a blog //gettingstronger.org that has had over 1.3 million views, there's 2 post in particular that I'd encourage you to look at that have to do with vision improvement and one of them is called improve vision and throw away your glasses, and then I have a forum (论坛)where there's a thread called eyesight without glasses and these have you know over 100000 views and also I'll show you some slides with references at the end the talk.


One key point again it should feel awkward but never painful if you do get red eye or strain, stop, take a few days off try it again


Typically most people see some improvements within a few Weeks, and the rate of improvement is generally faster in the beginning, it's common to see a sudden improvement and then no change for a while and then a sudden improvement, that's the way it works with going to the gym and losing weight, it's not a steady line but again the excitement comes at the end when you don't need glasses anymore.

Is this the same as the Bates Method?

Well not really. Bates had a theory that is you need to relax the eye and he had a faulty idea of physiology(错误的生理学观念). He thought that focusing the eyes, muscles had to do it , muscles that surrounded the eye tensing or relaxing and you were actually changing the shape of the eye(眼睛聚焦需要靠眼肌,靠包围眼睛的肌肉绷紧或放松来改变眼睛的形状). We now know that's not the case. Is the ciliary muscles and crystal changing the shape of the crystalline lens(而是靠睫状肌和晶体改变晶状体的形状). I mean he was probably right about eyestrain (眼睛疲劳) and the fact that you need to relax however he only address really half of the problem, which is what I call pseudo myopia(假近视) right, that initial period where you're not being able to see and focus, he really didn't address axial myopia(轴性近视), because he didn't know that the eye would get longer or shorter.

Unfortunately his methods of relaxation and distance viewing(放松和看远距离的方法), they are great, right, I think they're fantastic but they really don't do anything (作用很小)for those of us who are sitting at a computer all da, right, because you can only spend a certain amount of time looking in the distance (望远)and what we know from the incremental retinal defocus theory (视网膜逐渐离焦的理论)is that it's kind of the time averaged exposure to different focal length that's important. (在不同的聚焦距离上积累时间才是最重要的)So if you are going to be spending a long time on the computer, you need a technique, and that's where the print pushing idea comes (逐步推远法).


Your eyes are adaptive work, it is just like your muscles, just like your metabolism, just like everything about you(你的眼睛是有适应性的,它就像你的肌肉,像你的代谢系统,它就像你的一切). Your lenses are in spasm (痉挛)So stimulate your eyes, it's very important, play with your eyes, build it into your daily life.





从475 450降低至375 350,无论你相不相信,我只专注于自己锻炼成果就行。另外,真性近视是如何形成的?答案有两个,第一,是眼外肌施压导致的眼轴延长,第二,眼内压过高施压后部巩膜导致的后部巩膜葡萄肿,这是我得出来的理论知识,一般中低度近视不需要进行特殊处理,只由眼外肌进行施压眼球来减轻睫状肌的负担,让晶状体固定在一个度数上,由此睫状肌不需要输出更大的力气去调节,在一定的范围内去调节。第二,在度数很高的情况下,眼内压会出现较高的情况,过高的眼内压可能会出现后部巩膜葡萄肿,但是只要是让眼内压降低至一定的范围内,后部巩膜葡萄肿可能会逐步改善,这是我个人的假象,并非为真。










