手機成 癮 論文

The popularity of smartphones has made mobile communication more convenient.
Smartphones have the functions of touch screen, video and audio, playing games, surfing the
Internet, and personal entertainment a t any time and any place. They can also join the online
community to interact with friends, making the popularity of smartphones rise rapidly. In
Taiwan, almost everybody has a smartphone. However, the long term use of smartphones has
also caused some prob lems. A lot of people nowadays have become addicted to the Internet,
which affects the psychology and physiology of smartphone users. And it also decreases the
effectiveness of students academic learning. This study proposes a model that combines
smartpho ne addiction, smartphone usage behavior and academic achievement. The
questionnaires were done by smartphone users in a junior high school in Kaohsiung c ity, a total of 300 copies were issued, and 297 copies were effectively received. The recovery rate was 99%. The questionnaires were then analyzed by using SPSS software program.
According to i nductive analysis results, the following findings are obtained:
1.There is no significant difference in using smartphone behavior of students with different background variables in the overall and various facets.
2.Students with different background variables are addicted to the overall and various facets and smartphones. There are significant differences between the different family types and the addictive facet of smartphone addiction. Also, there are significant differences between the parental management attitudes and the addiction and interpersonal problems of smartphone addiction. Whats more, there are significant differences between the two facets of addiction and interpersonal problems. However, the other background variables and facets are not significantly different.
3.The use of smartphones has no significant relationship with the overall structure and academic achievement.
4.The three facets of compulsive, time management and interpersonal relationship of smartphone addiction are significantly positively correlated with academic achievement, and the two facets of abstinence and tolerance were not significantly related to academic achievement.
The results of this study can be used as a reference for smartphone users, parents who allow their teenage kids to use smartphones, and schools to manage students use of smartphones.
Keywords: Smartphones, Mobile Addiction, Mobile Phone Usage, Academic Achievement, Questionnaires.

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