水牛 比爾

《沉默的羔羊》劇情描述茱蒂佛斯特飾演的 FBI 實習探員克麗絲,為了偵破變態殺人魔「水牛比爾」(Buffalo Bill) 的案件,不得不進入巴爾的摩刑事犯罪精神病院,求助身兼權威精神病醫生與變態食人魔兩種角色的漢尼拔。

電影裡的「水牛比爾」犯下了一連串的殺人案件,他會擄走具相同特徵的女性,並剝下死者的皮膚。而這位「水牛比爾」的形象,根據導演的說法,是參考了三位歷史上著名的殺人魔,分別為泰德邦迪 (Ted Bundy)、瘋狂屠夫艾德蓋恩 (Ed Gein) 以及蓋瑞海尼克 (Gary Heidnik)。


犯下超過 30 起謀殺案的「極惡人魔」泰德邦迪



泰德邦迪的外表斯文帥氣,他畢業於西雅圖華盛頓大學心理學系,接著進一步於猶他大學法學院就讀,如此一位高知識份子,卻在 1973 年至 1978 年,犯下了超過 30 起謀殺案,他鎖定的目標皆為長髮、身材修長的白人,且多是獨居的大學生。2019 年 Netflix 曾推出《與殺人魔對話:泰德邦迪訪談錄》,柴克艾弗隆 (Zac Efron) 也曾在《極惡人魔》(Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile) 飾演這位惡名昭彰的殺人魔。

有趣的是,《破案神探》裡的 FBI 探員霍頓 (Holden Ford),其角色原型約翰 E 道格拉斯 (John E. Douglas) 就曾為了追捕犯人,而向泰德邦迪請教不少意見,與《沉默的羔羊》劇情雷同。



而「水牛比爾」擄到了鎖定目標後,會將其關在地下室內,讓她們先因飢餓而脫水,好讓他製造夢寐以求的「人皮衣」。將女性囚禁在地下室的情節,則是取自殺人魔蓋瑞海尼克──從 1986 年開始,蓋瑞海尼克會與同夥隨機選擇受害者,將她們騙上車後,關在費城家中的地下室,受害女性皆為黑人,共有六名女子遭到綁架,他不僅性侵她們,也會以電擊等各式手法進行虐待,其中兩名女子活活被虐待致死,所幸有名女子逃出,事情才曝光,讓他受到應有的懲罰。




最後一位,可說是電影參考最多的角色原型──艾德蓋恩,不僅是《沉默的羔羊》,連驚悚大師希區考克 (Hitchcock) 《驚魂記》(Psycho) 中的諾曼貝茲 (Norman Bates) ,以及《德州電鋸殺人魔》(The Texas Chain Saw Massacre) 都是以此為靈感,間接促成了多部恐怖電影的誕生。

「水牛比爾」剝下女性死者的皮膚,為的是要製作一件人皮衣裳,而艾德蓋恩出生於 1906 年,他的母親為極端的基督教徒,且精神處於異常狀態,她認為天底下所有的女性皆是妓女,也不允許艾德蓋恩與他人接觸,兩人生活在離群索居的房子內,艾德蓋恩的世界只有自己的母親,他的父親以及哥哥皆已過世。


而促使艾德蓋恩走入萬劫深淵的關鍵在,他的母親於 1949 年因中風而離世,他的情緒與精神瀕臨崩潰,內心的慾望無法釋放,導致他開始造訪墓地,挖掘女性的屍體,將身體的部分拿來作為裝飾品,像是頭骨做成的碗、骨頭製成的椅子、人皮燈罩等……,而受害者的皮膚也被作為緊身褲、圍裙,甚至是有乳房的背心,令人髮指。

不過,死人的屍體早已無法滿足艾德蓋恩,1954 年,他將腦筋轉至附近酒吧的職員瑪麗霍根身上,成功躲過了追查。而 1957 年他再度起了歹念,對雜貨店老闆柏妮絲沃登下毒手,店裡的發票顯示出艾德蓋恩為當天最後一位顧客,購買了半加侖的防凍劑。當警方前往艾德的農舍調查時,沒想到開門後的情景是如此的嚇人,屍體懸掛在天花板上,且房子散落著各式人體的器官,百口莫辯的艾德,表示他只殺了兩個人,其他都是盜墓而來。由於被診斷患有精神障礙,最終被送往精神病院度過餘生,在 1984 年因癌症過世。


艾德曾說過,自己會穿上人皮製成的衣服,好幻想自己就是母親,與「水牛比爾」的「貪圖」一致,放在受害者嘴裡的鬼臉天蛾,象徵著蛻變,象徵著渴望自身能化身為心中美麗的母親。最後提一下,飾演「水牛比爾」的泰德李凡 (Ted Levine) 在電影中所跳的舞蹈,是他的即興演出,卻讓人頭皮發麻,成了電影吸睛片段之一。

The story of William "Buffalo Bill" Cody, legendary westerner, from his days as an army scout to his later activities as owner of a ...更多>


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William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: What killed my son? Doctor: Diptheria.


William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody


: What's that? Doctor: A germ. William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: Where does it come from? Doctor: Water systems... and sewage. It's a crowd disease. A disease of civilization. William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: Mr. President. Ladies and Gentlemen. I was afraid I was going to make a fool of myself in front of you tonight. But that would have been all right, because a man can make a fool of himself when he's off his own stamping grounds. But when a man makes a fool of himself on his own stamping grounds, there's no excuse for him. I don't hold with General Sherman that a good Indian is a dead Indian. From what I've seen, the Indian is a free-born American who'll fight for his folks, for his land and for his living... just like any other American. Yellow Hand: Men of the Nation. There's a black cloud coming from the east to cover us all. We, the Cheyenne, have called our brothers of the Sioux so we can hear the words about this thing. Yesterday, the buffalo was many as the blades of grass upon the prairie. Today, the buffalo is few as the leaves on an oak tree in winter. The white man has done this thing so the red man will starve. When the buffalo is done, we starve. We'll have no meat to eat, no hide to make tepees, no robes to make beds. Brothers, it's not good for man to hear his woman and children crying. It's a bad thing for a man to starve. There are better ways to die. Ned Buntline: You know the Indian, Cody, don't you? William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: Nobody knows the Indian. I've had to fight them since I was fourteen. Pony Express, stage driver, scouting. Indians never do what you'd expect. William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: When you do an Indian a favor, he never forgets it. But if you do him bad, he never forgets that either. Louisa Frederici Cody: What is she doing here all alone? William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: She's just old. When Indians get too old to travel, why they're left behind with a little food and fuel. Louisa Frederici Cody: To die? William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: Yeah. Louisa Frederici Cody: That's terrible! Can't we do something for her? William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: It's the way of the people. There's nothing we can do. Louisa Frederici Cody: Here am I, going to bring a new life into the world, and leaving an old woman to die. William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: That's nature's way, Louisa. When anything becomes too old to be useful, it's just pushed aside. Louisa Frederici Cody: But it shouldn't be! That's why we have civilization! Yellow Hand: Now there is no debt and no friendship between us. If we meet in battle, as a brave of the Cheyenne, I will take the scalp of Pahashka and hang it on his lodge pole. William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: It may be easier to hang it than to take it, Yellow Hand. Sgt. Chips: I've been waiting for you. Somebody has written you a letter.


