Bind 中文

Perhaps women in other areas were less bound by the codes of behaviour described in these accounts.

Her sounds wield a troubling force that binds the poet's senses.

In the ideal monogamous union, the partners were to be bound by mental compatibility.

Any serious moral thinker is bound to have stable commitments.

Let us bound the number of independent transversals we delete in the first three steps.

As such, the results of elections are binding for the country.

In order to avoid this difficulty, and to make "binding" functional, we must abandon the concept of bound feature(s).

The time course of the application of binding constraints in reference resolution.


Any serious moral thinker is bound to have stable commitments.

Nothing however binds this form to the everyday world, the current happenings on earth.

Many statistical analyses using small datasets to test competing theories are bound to face this problem.

Talk of "binding ontologies together," or of the metaphysician's "universal glue" is unabashedly metaphorical.

We shall now bound the universal dimension of the complete graph of order t in terms of graph dimension of complete graphs.

They estimated the limit of dynamic binding links as "between four and six" (p. 434).

The core state binding energy in metal is therefore measured relative to the bottom of the conductivity band.

Government for their livelihood; they would be subjected to the secularising and examination forces to which they, as recipient of government money, were bound.


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      • binding
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Inflections of 'bind' (v): (⇒ conjugate)bindsv 3rd person singular bindingv pres pboundv pastboundv past p

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2022:

英语 中文
bind [sth] vtr (tie, fasten securely) SCSimplified Chinese 捆绑 , 捆扎 kǔn bǎng
    SCSimplified Chinese 束 , 系 shù
TCTraditional Chinese
  Workers bind the logs together before they are transported to the factory.
bind [sth] vtr (wrap, strap up tightly) SCSimplified Chinese 包裹 bāo guǒ
TCTraditional Chinese 包裹
    SCSimplified Chinese 裹住 bāo guǒ,guǒ zhù
  Colleen binds her ankles for stability.
bind [sb] vtr (tie up) SCSimplified Chinesekǔn
TCTraditional Chinese
    SCSimplified Chinesekǔn,bǎng
TCTraditional Chinese
  The outlaw bound and gagged the woman.
bind [sth] vtr (provide a binding for a book, etc.) SCSimplified Chinese 装订 zhuāng dìng
  Arthur knows how to bind books; perhaps he can repair the cover on that one.
bind [sb] vtr (force legally) SCSimplified Chinese 使…受(法律等的)约束
  The contract binds the signer to the above stipulations.
英语 中文
bind n figurative, informal (difficult situation) SCSimplified Chinese 困境 kùn jìng
TCTraditional Chinese 困境
  That's a major bind Jeff's gotten himself into.
binds npl ([sth] that binds) SCSimplified Chinese 束缚物 shù fù wù
TCTraditional Chinese 束縛帶
    SCSimplified Chinese 捆绑物 shù fù wù,kǔn bǎng wù
TCTraditional Chinese 綑綁物
  The heroine of the novel struggles to escape the binds of her low social class.
bind⇒ vi (biology: attach) SCSimplified Chinese 依附 yī fù
TCTraditional Chinese 依附
  These molecules bind with proteins to make glycoproteins.
bind vi (become compact, cohere) SCSimplified Chinese 裹紧
    SCSimplified Chinese 绑紧
  Mix the butter and flour well so that they bind.
bind vi slang (complain) SCSimplified Chinese 抱怨 bào yuàn
TCTraditional Chinese 抱怨
    SCSimplified Chinese 诉苦 bào yuàn,sù kǔ
bind to [sth] vi + prep (stick to) SCSimplified Chinese 粘在...上
TCTraditional Chinese 黏在…上
    SCSimplified Chinese 与…和在一起
  In this recipe, the eggs bind to the flour.
bind [sth] vtr (secure with band) SCSimplified Chinese 用带子扎
TCTraditional Chinese 用帶子扎
    SCSimplified Chinese 用带子绑
  Gymnasts with long hair usually bind it before competitions.
bind [sth] vtr (finalize or seal an agreement) (交易、协议等) SCSimplified Chinese 最终确认,使成定局
  The couple bound their marriage by exchanging rings.
bind [sb] vtr (constrain by loyalty or obligation) (受忠诚、使命感等影响) SCSimplified Chinese 让某人不得不做某事
  His close-knit network of friends and colleagues bind Tom to the university.
bind [sb/sth] vtr (govern) (合同等) SCSimplified Chinese 对…构成约束
  The contract binds Isabel's activities under the agency for a period of 5 years.
bind [sth] vtr (sewing: create border for garment) SCSimplified Chinese 给...锁边
    SCSimplified Chinese 给...镶边
TCTraditional Chinese 給…鑲邊
  The traditional method of sewing in this village involves binding garments in a decorative way.
bind [sb] vtr archaic, often passive (bind out: employ as an apprentice) SCSimplified Chinese 通过契约收...做学徒
  William was bound to a blacksmith at the age of 11.

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2022:

英语 中文
bind off vi phrasal US (knitting: cast off, finish) (编织) SCSimplified Chinese 收针 shōu zhēn
bind [sth] off,
bind off [sth]
vtr phrasal sep
US (knitting: cast off to finish) (编织) SCSimplified Chinese 给…收针
bind [sb] out,
bind out [sb]
vtr phrasal sep
archaic, often passive (bind: employ as an apprentice) SCSimplified Chinese 订立契约当学徒
    SCSimplified Chinese 订立合约学手艺
  The boy's parents bound him out to a cobbler to learn a trade.
bind [sth] up,
bind up [sth]
vtr phrasal sep
(bandage securely) SCSimplified Chinese 包扎 bāo zā
  You should bind up that wound to stop the bleeding.
bind [sth] up,
bind up [sth]
vtr phrasal sep
(wrap with string, etc.) SCSimplified Chinese 捆绑好 kǔn bǎng hǎo
TCTraditional Chinese 綑綁好
  Bind up the package with string.

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2022:

英语 中文
US (knitting: cast-off, finishing technique) (编织) SCSimplified Chinese 收针 shōu zhēn
n as adj
US (knitting edge, technique: finished) (编织) SCSimplified Chinese 收针的
bind [sb/sth] together,
bind together [sb/sth]
vtr + adv
(cause to feel connected) SCSimplified Chinese 将…连为一体
double bind n (psychological situation) (心理学) SCSimplified Chinese 双重束缚
in a bind adv informal (in a difficult situation) (非正式用语) SCSimplified Chinese 境况不好的, 处于困境的, 左右为难的
  With his car wrecked and no way to get to work he really found himself in a bind.

Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:

bind [baɪnd]
(pt, pp bound)

I vt

1 (=tie) 捆(綑) kǔn

2 (=tie together)
[+ hands, feet] 绑(綁) bǎng

3 (=connect) 使联(聯)合 shǐ liánhé

4 (=oblige) 约(約)束 yuēshù

5 [+ book] 装(裝)订(訂) zhuāngdìng

II n (Brit) (inf: nuisance) 麻烦(煩) máfan

bind over vt (Law) to bind sb over (to keep the peace) 保证(證)某人遵守法纪(紀) bǎozhèng mǒurén zūnshǒu fǎjì



am in a bit of a bind here, I'm in a bit of a bind. Can I ask you a favor?, have found myself in a real bind here, 更多……

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