奧 黛 麗 赫本 一個 優雅 的 靈魂











 沒有醜聞八卦,怎麼能寫「好萊塢」傳記?她最後一位,也可能是最有良心的一位傳記作者貝瑞‧巴利斯(Barry Paris),就在她傳記的前言中寫道:「奧黛麗‧赫本既是傳記作家的夢想,也是夢魘。沒有任何女影星像她這樣備受推崇

 ──因她銀幕上的表現,和她銀幕下熱情的貢獻,啟發別人,也受到啟發。她深受影迷喜愛,幾乎沒有任何人對她有任何微詞。她最糟糕的作為,就是在一九六四年奧斯卡獎頒獎典禮上,忘記提及一同演出的派翠西亞‧尼爾(Patricia Neal)。她沒有任何不堪的祕密,也沒有什麼不可告人的言行。在她溫暖善良的表面下,隱藏的是更多的愛心和溫馨。」















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Audrey Hepburn is one of my all time favorite actresses. She was an amazing actress on screen and behind the scenes she was an equally amazing person. I really enjoyed this biography. It was a quick and easy read and I loved that so many photographs were included.

I have always loved Audrey Hepburn so of course I had to have this book. I grew to admire her even more while reading this book. Audrey's humility and capacity for forgiveness and love is remarkable. I loved how her son related how she refused to sit in first class on a plane. She felt she was no better than anyone else, so why should she sit in first class? Also, her ability to forgive her father and then care for him when he was ailing can be a lesson for all of us about the power of forgivene I have always loved Audrey Hepburn so of course I had to have this book. I grew to admire her even more while reading this book. Audrey's humility and capacity for forgiveness and love is remarkable. I loved how her son related how she refused to sit in first class on a plane. She felt she was no better than anyone else, so why should she sit in first class? Also, her ability to forgive her father and then care for him when he was ailing can be a lesson for all of us about the power of forgiveness. As beautiful as she was, she never saw herself that way. She felt awkward and that vulnerability makes me love her even more. I admire Audrey for her humanitarian work and her inner and outer beauty. I can only hope to be half the person Audrey Hepburn was. There is only one person I admire more than Audrey Hepburn-and that's my mom. This is a beautiful book about a beautiful person written in love by her adoring son. Great read for fans or for anyone that wants to learn more about this wonderful woman. ...more

I thought it was an ok book though she did have a fascinating life.
Please don't tell any of my guy friends that I read a book in Audrey Hepburn :-)
I thought it was an ok book though she did have a fascinating life.
Please don't tell any of my guy friends that I read a book in Audrey Hepburn :-)

5 An Intimate Look Stars
* * * * * A Netflix Review-‘Audrey’
I love a wonderful biography and this one just added to Netflix, in my opinion, is just that. It takes you from the very beginning of this amazing woman, gives you insight into all she experienced and how it impacted the movie star, actress, mother, wife, fashion icon, and humanitarian she became.

What was truly captivating was the verbal interviews you hear, her voice, and how she felt about things.

There is input from so many sources, 5 An Intimate Look Stars
* * * * * A Netflix Review-‘Audrey’
I love a wonderful biography and this one just added to Netflix, in my opinion, is just that. It takes you from the very beginning of this amazing woman, gives you insight into all she experienced and how it impacted the movie star, actress, mother, wife, fashion icon, and humanitarian she became.

What was truly captivating was the verbal interviews you hear, her voice, and how she felt about things.

There is input from so many sources, co-artists, her children, and friends. You are able to see the way she branded herself versus who she was in her "real life".

I have always loved Audrey Hepburn and this documentary brought so many memories of how my own mother loved her and our conversations about all the films she had done. Amazon Video also is streaming Classic Audry films so you are able to see the films referenced in this documentary with new eyes.

There are so many books available on Audrey Hepburn, Listopia has one.

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A beautiful and touching book. Sean Hepburn Ferrer's deep love for his mother is evident on every page. He tells her story with dignity and respect and offers a rare and intimate glimpse into her life. Audrey Hepburn truly was beautiful not only on the outside but also on the inside.

"She really was like those characters you saw in the movies: emotional, courageous, delicate, romantic." (Sean Hepburn Ferrer)

"God kissed her on the cheek and there she was." (Billy Wilder)

"Is there anything more im

A beautiful and touching book. Sean Hepburn Ferrer's deep love for his mother is evident on every page. He tells her story with dignity and respect and offers a rare and intimate glimpse into her life. Audrey Hepburn truly was beautiful not only on the outside but also on the inside.

"She really was like those characters you saw in the movies: emotional, courageous, delicate, romantic." (Sean Hepburn Ferrer)

"God kissed her on the cheek and there she was." (Billy Wilder)

"Is there anything more important than the survival of our species? Is there another time in your life when love, care, tenderness, food, education are more important than in childhood?" (statement by Audrey Hepburn UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador to Members of the United Nations)


I love Audrey Hepburn with my whole heart. I grew watching Roman Holiday, calling it "the runaway princess". Audrey has always been a beacon of grace, love and warmth in my life. She is so human and yet so exquisitely perfect in all of her movies.

"What you saw and felt when you watched her on the big screen was not only the clever presentation of characters brilliantly written, directed, shot, and edited into a performance, but a clear view of a truly magical human being who deserves the warm f

I love Audrey Hepburn with my whole heart. I grew watching Roman Holiday, calling it "the runaway princess". Audrey has always been a beacon of grace, love and warmth in my life. She is so human and yet so exquisitely perfect in all of her movies.

"What you saw and felt when you watched her on the big screen was not only the clever presentation of characters brilliantly written, directed, shot, and edited into a performance, but a clear view of a truly magical human being who deserves the warm feelings that still transport audiences worldwide today."

Something I hate however, is how the world remembers her, for the most part, as a pretty face; her style and looks overshadowing the incredible work she did for UNICEF. Her passion and sadness at the state of the world are very present in her son's words. Her work in 3rd world countries was so important (and still is) and I really loved reading her speeches and looking at her activism, which you don't get from simply watching her films. There are photos of her with children who look too thin and weak to be alive, like those in the Nazi concentration camps, and what really got me was that it would take around 0.5% of the world's combined GNP to lift the entire third world out of poverty. To give the people of these countries the basic resources for them to build lives for themselves, to give the children of those countries a future. And yet, this isn't happening.

"There is no deficit in human resources - the deficit is in human will." (Audrey's speech to the UN in June 1989).

This book drew many comparisons between the Holocaust and the events that occur in third world countries everyday and yet are swept under the rug. Audrey grew up in the Netherlands during the German occupation in WWII, a young girl witnessing horrors and experiencing an unending "emotional hunger" that came along with the literal hunger, due to the food shortages of the war.

'"I am filled with a rage at ourselves," she said in an interview. How could she not, after living through the war and hearing a repenting world proclaim, "Never again"? Unfortunately, it did, and still does, again and again and again.'

Something else that really struck me was how modest Audrey was about her achievements and how almost "unworthy" she saw herself as. She didn't think she was pretty (Audrey Hepburn, the most beautiful woman to have ever lived (fight me) DIDN'T THINK SHE WAS PRETTY. What are we doing wrong as a society?) and Sean (her son and the author) often described her downplaying her own achievements, cringing when people talked about her "greatness". Maybe, just maybe, we all aren't as hideous or unworthy as we see ourselves.

"This the story of a star who couldn't see her own light."

This book was clearly written from a place of love; her son really portrayed her as a gorgeous, caring person and you could really tell how keenly he loved and missed her. The 2nd half of the book, focusing on her work with UNICEF, and her decline in health and eventual death, was probably more hard-hitting and interesting to me than the first. I would also have liked to have heard more about some of her relationships and friendships throughout the book, some of which I felt weren't really delved into satisfyingly. But I understand that this is a memoir, so it is what her son remembers of her and predominantly about their relationship and her life and achievements.

If nothing else, I recommend this book for its pictures. The photographs of Audrey radiate with style, love, humour, and so much more. She was a woman who was able to project her spirit onto film, and this is why we still love and adore her years after her death. Audrey Hepburn was the epitome of class, elegance and humanity and I only adore her more after reading this.

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge you'll never walk alone."

[Did I just spend about an hour writing this review in order to avoid maths? Yes, yes, I did.]


A beautiful soul, inside and outside..

I have read several biographies about Audrey Hepburn, and this was by far the most touching. Her son tells her life story from her childhood in war-torn Holland to her enormous fame as an actress and her later work as a UNICEF ambassador. The book also contains almost 300 photographs from family albums and various publicity shoots. Audrey's caring spirit is captured not only in the way her son remembers her as a mother but also in the work she did for UNICEF. In reading this, her son's admiratio I have read several biographies about Audrey Hepburn, and this was by far the most touching. Her son tells her life story from her childhood in war-torn Holland to her enormous fame as an actress and her later work as a UNICEF ambassador. The book also contains almost 300 photographs from family albums and various publicity shoots. Audrey's caring spirit is captured not only in the way her son remembers her as a mother but also in the work she did for UNICEF. In reading this, her son's admiration and love for his mother shines through. His feelings about his mother and his motivation for writing this biography are beautifully summed up when he writes, “She really was like those characters you saw in the movies: emotional, courageous, delicate, romantic. Yet it’s always nice to get confirmation. . . . This will be our journey into a gentle heart and a loving son’s reflection of thirty-three years lived with one of the best mothers and friends one could hope for. What you felt when you watched her on the big screen was not only the clever presentation of characters brilliantly written, directed, shot, and edited into a performance, but a clear view of a truly magical human being who deserves the warm feelings that still transport audiences worldwide today.”

This book was different than what I originally thought. It was ok and I liked his thoughts of his mother but they seemed to ramble especially at the beginning. The last few chapters had more meaning and flowed better. It was lovely to see how kindhearted Audrey Hepburn was and that her son seems to have followed in her footsteps.


I love anything and everything about Audrey Hepburn and this book was definitely an enjoyable and worthwhile read. I loved getting to read about her life from her son’s perspective. He spoke of her with such love and adoration. I especially loved the tons and tons of family photos that he shared.

His writing was all over the place and not very organized at times just to point out. I wanted a glimpse into her life from someone who knew her and this book fit


I love anything and everything about Audrey Hepburn and this book was definitely an enjoyable and worthwhile read. I loved getting to read about her life from her son’s perspective. He spoke of her with such love and adoration. I especially loved the tons and tons of family photos that he shared.

His writing was all over the place and not very organized at times just to point out. I wanted a glimpse into her life from someone who knew her and this book fit the bill perfectly. I especially loved his emphasis on her humanitarian work at the end of her life. Reading about her passion for children and her work with UNICEF was inspiring and just made me love her more.


After not having known much about Audrey Hepburn, I have truly come to admire her since reading this book. While the reader cannot help but wonder if the writer is biased (his being her son and all), the unique and heartfelt anecdotes paint a picture of a truly remarkable lady. I can't wait to read my next Audrey-biography! After not having known much about Audrey Hepburn, I have truly come to admire her since reading this book. While the reader cannot help but wonder if the writer is biased (his being her son and all), the unique and heartfelt anecdotes paint a picture of a truly remarkable lady. I can't wait to read my next Audrey-biography! ...more

My friend gave me this book for Christmas probably 12 years ago, and I finally read it and loved it. I would recommend to any Audrey Hepburn fans - it's written by her son Sean, who has such lovely memories of his mother. He spoke a lot about her work with UNICEF toward the end of her life, and to hear how passionate about it she was and how it impacted her was so inspiring. The book also features many family photos and even artwork that Audrey did as a child. I really enjoyed reading this. My friend gave me this book for Christmas probably 12 years ago, and I finally read it and loved it. I would recommend to any Audrey Hepburn fans - it's written by her son Sean, who has such lovely memories of his mother. He spoke a lot about her work with UNICEF toward the end of her life, and to hear how passionate about it she was and how it impacted her was so inspiring. The book also features many family photos and even artwork that Audrey did as a child. I really enjoyed reading this. ...more

Fantastic biography.
I love this book so much!
And yes, I had tears in my eyes when I was reading this book.

Amazing, touching book. The untold life of Audrey Hepburn. It was long and it is a nonfiction book, but there are a lot of pictures and the reading goes by quick. Some parts were hard to circulate through the brain, but I have a hard time with non fiction books anyway, so it could just be me. Audrey Hepburn's life isn't all smiles and acting. She grew up starving during World War 2, and then she came back to help the institution that helped her when she was little, UNICEF. Through UNICEF, she sa Amazing, touching book. The untold life of Audrey Hepburn. It was long and it is a nonfiction book, but there are a lot of pictures and the reading goes by quick. Some parts were hard to circulate through the brain, but I have a hard time with non fiction books anyway, so it could just be me. Audrey Hepburn's life isn't all smiles and acting. She grew up starving during World War 2, and then she came back to help the institution that helped her when she was little, UNICEF. Through UNICEF, she saw terrible, unfair treatment and health. Truly sad, and makes you think about how fortunate your life is and how much Audrey Hepburn actually did for so many kids around the world, and more to come, too. I would recommend this to everybody! ...more

If you do not already love her you may after reading this book. Written by her son, it is an intimate yet not intrusive view into who she was to her family and friends. This book allows you in on the incredible person that Audrey Hepburn was, the legacy she has left not only through her unique style but also through her example as a star who used her incredible charisma to improve the lives of countless children through UNICEF.

I am not the biggest fan of Hollywood biographies or biographies in general because I feel like there is always an insidious obsession with the tabloid aspect of their lives. Reading biographies aren’t my favorite things unless I’m in love with the subject and Audrey Hepburn is one of my favorite Classic Hollywood actresses. That paired with the fact that this is written in a positive way by her beloved son, Sean Hepburn Ferrer are why I decided to give this a chance. This is my Arithmancy read I am not the biggest fan of Hollywood biographies or biographies in general because I feel like there is always an insidious obsession with the tabloid aspect of their lives. Reading biographies aren’t my favorite things unless I’m in love with the subject and Audrey Hepburn is one of my favorite Classic Hollywood actresses. That paired with the fact that this is written in a positive way by her beloved son, Sean Hepburn Ferrer are why I decided to give this a chance. This is my Arithmancy read for the Harry Potter Magical Readathon 2020 and my selection for ON feat SIA by BTS for my Bangtan readathon 2020.

This was a delightful read because I felt the love that Ferrer had for his dear mother. Audrey Hepburn was every bit as elegant and graceful as her film roles suggested. There were a lot of things that I didn’t know about her, such as her family history and her choice to step away from the noble titles her family had at the time. Those last days of her life and how at peace she was with her parting from the physical world brought tears to my eyes. Not only did I find this a lovely read about someone that I admire who lived a lifetime before I was even born, I found it as a call to action in a way. Her dedication to UNICEF and how some of her last thoughts were on other people who are less fortunate than her inspires me to stand up for those who cannot fight for themselves.

We are amid a pandemic and a societal collapse; the times ahead will be rough but as she said in the book “together there is nothing we cannot do.” It must have taken a lot of strength from Sean to write about his mother in such an intimate way since they were so close. I am happy that this book did her legacy justice even though some might argue that he was too kind to her. Whatever the truth is, his truth reflects the woman that I saw and learned about through the years.


This is the first book that I give 5 stars in 2019, it was not because the richness of the narrative, it was because it was real and from the heart. As someone that lost a parent and how much it is inside you and how hard it is to put in words, I feel this was beautiful You see the life of Audrey throw the eyes of her son. I didn't know so much about Audrey other of how beautiful she was and two of her movies, of how she still influencing in fashion after so many decades. I didn't know anything This is the first book that I give 5 stars in 2019, it was not because the richness of the narrative, it was because it was real and from the heart. As someone that lost a parent and how much it is inside you and how hard it is to put in words, I feel this was beautiful You see the life of Audrey throw the eyes of her son. I didn't know so much about Audrey other of how beautiful she was and two of her movies, of how she still influencing in fashion after so many decades. I didn't know anything about how her life as a war survivor, as a comparative and down to earth woman that didn't care for luxury or money, I didn't know of her passion working with UNISEF, this book was what I was needing in the right time.
I feel like watching some of her movies after this and at the same time i feel like doing my research about UNISEF and how I can help too. I have no more word right now, I still with tears after read the last pages.

I always thought the obsession with Audrey Hepburn was just because she was pretty.. of course she IS stunning, but through reading this book I learned that so much of that came from her inner self.

I learned that she and her family suffered during WWII with no money, and she was extremely malnourished. That’s when she was first introduced to UNICEF. UNICEF brought food to the towns that were war stricken, and Audrey, among other children were served. Years later, after her career as an actress

I always thought the obsession with Audrey Hepburn was just because she was pretty.. of course she IS stunning, but through reading this book I learned that so much of that came from her inner self.

I learned that she and her family suffered during WWII with no money, and she was extremely malnourished. That’s when she was first introduced to UNICEF. UNICEF brought food to the towns that were war stricken, and Audrey, among other children were served. Years later, after her career as an actress she worked For UNICEF and travelled to many countries serving war stricken countries, and aided to starving children.

Her heart was pure and she has a vulnerability that is infectious and endearing and beautiful. That is why it’s so easy to fall in love with Audrey Hepburn as an actress and as a human being.
I would recommend this book to anybody, and plan on owning it ❤️


Written by the son of Audrey Hepburn and Mel Ferrer, Sean wrote a sweet tribute to his beautiful mother. This book is not a full-scale biography. What this book does is provide a look into the kind of person Ms. Hepburn was and what she treasured in life. It contains many beautiful photographs of the author's mother. As a long-time fan of Audrey Hepburn (who can forget her role as Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany's?), I found this book a very satisfying read. Written by the son of Audrey Hepburn and Mel Ferrer, Sean wrote a sweet tribute to his beautiful mother. This book is not a full-scale biography. What this book does is provide a look into the kind of person Ms. Hepburn was and what she treasured in life. It contains many beautiful photographs of the author's mother. As a long-time fan of Audrey Hepburn (who can forget her role as Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany's?), I found this book a very satisfying read. ...more

The central idea of this book is about Audrey Hepburn's life. It is written by her son and explains what she really was feeling behind the movie screen. It tells us how she felt about the world and who was most important to her. The central idea of this book is about Audrey Hepburn's life. It is written by her son and explains what she really was feeling behind the movie screen. It tells us how she felt about the world and who was most important to her. ...more


She has often been referred to as the most elegant, the most stylish, woman in the world. But that elegance had its roots in both their inner values. It came from the right place. It wasn't a way to be noticed but a way to be humble.


She has often been referred to as the most elegant, the most stylish, woman in the world. But that elegance had its roots in both their inner values. It came from the right place. It wasn't a way to be noticed but a way to be humble.


I love that you get to read some of her speeches for UNICEF!

been a fan of Audrey Hepburn for 11 years, out of the biographies i've come across, i recommend this one been a fan of Audrey Hepburn for 11 years, out of the biographies i've come across, i recommend this one ...more

Really lovely biography about a really lovely person.

i’m a crying mess right now. i love this woman so much.

Can't really think through the tears anymore. The world needs more people like her. Can't really think through the tears anymore. The world needs more people like her. ...more

"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm Possible'." - AH

I miss you so much Audrey.

"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm Possible'." - AH

I miss you so much Audrey.


This book has been in my possession for many years, probably since shortly after its publication. It was a no-occasion gift from my mother shortly before she became ill and deteriorated over a matter of a couple of years; in it is a PostIt note from her to me, about how grateful we should be to have lived during a time when such people as Audrey Hepburn lived. So true. But, for some reason—the usual “so many books, so little time” issue—I had never read it and decided that, in light of the comin This book has been in my possession for many years, probably since shortly after its publication. It was a no-occasion gift from my mother shortly before she became ill and deteriorated over a matter of a couple of years; in it is a PostIt note from her to me, about how grateful we should be to have lived during a time when such people as Audrey Hepburn lived. So true. But, for some reason—the usual “so many books, so little time” issue—I had never read it and decided that, in light of the coming 88th anniversary of Audrey Hepburn's birth, it was time.

First of all, the photographs are wonderful and, while there are no real surprises, they are revelatory and confirm all of the wonderful qualities I have always attributed to this “elegant spirit” who was always a hero of mine. There are photos on set and personal family ones, with explanatory captions that offer a bit of insight into a life well lived. These photographs are the heart of the book. (There are also a few illustrations by Hepburn herself; simply lovely.)

And some of the text is fine; when her son, the author, is quoting her or people who loved her, or even simply explaining events, reading the book was a pleasure. Too often, though, he wanders off into philosophizing or psychologizing, and I personally found that annoying, which is why the book is not “amazing”.

The photographs, however, ARE amazing, and reminded me of just how much I admired—and continue to admire—this elegant spirit.


Sean Hepburn Ferter does his lovely mother and her extraordinary life justice.

What a wonderfully personal look into Audrey Hepburn's life not just as an actress and icon but as a mother and humanitarian! This book makes me want to be a better person, to have the compassion and grace of Audrey. What a wonderfully personal look into Audrey Hepburn's life not just as an actress and icon but as a mother and humanitarian! This book makes me want to be a better person, to have the compassion and grace of Audrey. ...more

Son of Audrey Hepburn and Mel Ferrer, born in 1960.

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